Psalm 143 in pics

WW’s pics are also at

Because we do not celebrate Father’s Day, we had not bothered to pin down the right date and thought it was last Sunday. Turns out we were a week early. Nothing exceptional but I thought it was a good excuse to give the younger girl preparing for her exams a break by getting everyone to visit Lilytopia at Gardens by the Bay.

Today happens to be my late Father’s birthday as well but he didn’t care much for his birthday and I can’t remember what we did for his 60th one either, but Father’s day if it falls on the same day as his birthday and we visited him, is the day he made it a point to focus on his grand kids.

I should have known, of course the ODB today is about Father’s Day: A good father reflects the love of the heavenly Father.

I think less than good fathers also do the same. Recall Jesus said, “if you who are evil know to give good things to your children…” Matt 7:11 This is the taken for granted grace of God.

This morning I used up a lot of time doing an experiment. What if I find pics for every verse in Psalm 143, is that even feasible? Sometimes I dream how lovely it would be to have the whole Bible filled with pics. Here is the record of my first attempt.

01 B051CA2

02 IMG_878155603739933-314x224

03 16297

04 624207dedffe0a35c058d63d600213f4

05 Psalm-143-5

06 ps143-6

07 95969df122b6a2094a83c20fdb1e3075

08 psalm_143.8_picture

Verse 8 tops the charts in popularity. I was spoiled for choice.

09 f58191d8461b324f9933f8ecef45191a

10 e25a9394db637d7bc601079b8806b7e3

Verse 10 was also quite easy to find pics for.

V11 11262871456_5f4c2bf765_b

12 c4c65c2e1f678ba44aa520651fee3941